Stop Wasting Resources On Invisible Content

If you are invisible to search engines, then you are invisible to prospective users of your goods and services that rely on the internet to guide them to effective solutions for their immediate problems.

Many websites, today, are rich with images and videos – sometimes more so than good sales copy. The problem is that search engines are word-focused – they index every word, phrase and sentence. In fact, they even calculate a score on how well articulated your thoughts are including grammar, syntax and the ease of understanding.

So, if you’re image and video heavy then the search engines won’t be that interested in your site UNLESS you tag images and videos with keywords, as well as filling “alt text” meta tags with useful and relevant information regarding their content.

On that thought, everything on your site has to ebb and flow along a single line of thought. If you sell yoga services then every page, image and video have to be aligned in terms of key words, phrases, tags and categories – and, not just any key words, phrases, tags and categories. They have to be the same ones that the search engines have identified as meaningful and useful to those people looking for what you have to offer.

This approach to organizing and structuring your website falls under the realm of search engine optimization, or SEO – doing things that capture the interest and attention of Google, Bing and Yahoo.

It’s more an art than a science because the rules change often and with no notice.

Search engines are wise to companies and websites that use words and phrases inappropriately to attract attention. And, they don’t want them to know how to circumvent the algorithms that detect and penalize them for their fraudulent marketing efforts.

DIT provides a free analysis of your website that will help you identify opportunities to strengthen your SEO positions. Call us today to learn more.

Digital Ink Technologies | (905) 209-9079 |

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