Reducing Hidden Operational Costs By Half

There are two types of expenses – fixed and variable.

Fixed expenses, such as rent, mortgage and salaries are pretty routine with little in the way of unexpected change beyond pre-determined rate increases. Variable expenses, on the other hand, are the things that we’re not always in control of and require the most attention – fuel charges, salesperson expenses, heat, hydro, overtime, etc. Sure, we can budget for them but there’s lots of opportunity for “surprises.”

Hidden costs, or soft costs, are variable expenses that don’t always appear in the accounting ledgers but definitely show up in the bottom line, often hidden in wasted time, duplication of effort, wasted supplies and unaudited expense claims.

And, this is where workflow automation can really payoff in eliminating paper-based reporting systems all-together and all of the office supplies associated with those processes – paper, photocopiers, toners, envelopes, elastics & clips, and courier costs.

DIT has worked with some of Canada’s biggest sales and service organizations to reduce and remove paper-based reporting and approval processes; replacing them with tablet and smart-phone solutions that allow employees to gather data and evidentiary pictures, such as receipts, in real time, minimizing “after-hours” and overtime work for supervisors, managers and salespeople – no more hunting and gathering receipts & invoices; no more photo copies and expense “packaging” for approval; with instant approvals and authorizations.

If you think soft-costs are eating at your bottom line, then call DIT for expert solutions to solving such problems.

Digital Ink Technologies | (905) 209-9079 |

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