Leonard Cohen

DIT Web Solutions salutes Leonard Cohen,
Canadian singer-songwriter, poet and novelist.


Leonard Cohen was a Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, and novelist (RIP Nov 7, 2016). His work explored religion, politics, isolation, sexuality, and romantic relationships. During his career, Cohen was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, as well as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. His unique style will be remembered for years to come!

I remember watching the Junos and listening to him modestly say, “You know, it’s only a place like Canada where I could win the male vocalist of the year.” He was absolutely AMAZING! Who hasn’t heard him sing Hallelujah? If for some reason, you haven’t you can listen to it here: https://youtu.be/YrLk4vdY28Q.

Critic Bruce Eder assessed Cohen’s overall career in popular music by asserting that “Leonard is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic … singer-songwriters of the late ’60s … Second only to Bob Dylan (and perhaps Paul Simon), he commands the attention of critics and younger musicians more firmly than any other musical figure from the 1960s who continued to work in the 21st century.”

The Academy of American Poets commented more broadly, stating that “Cohen’s successful blending of poetry, fiction, and music is made most clear in Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs, published in 1993 … while it may seem to some that Leonard Cohen departed from the literary in pursuit of the musical, his fans continue to embrace him as a Renaissance man who straddles the elusive artistic borderlines.”

Bob Dylan was an admirer, describing Cohen as the ‘number one’ songwriter of their time (Dylan described himself as ‘number zero’). “When people talk about Leonard, they fail to mention his melodies, which to me, along with his lyrics, are his greatest genius. … Even the counterpoint lines–they give a celestial character & melodic lift to his songs. … no one else comes close to this in modern music. … I like all of Leonard’s songs, early or late. … they make you think & feel. I like some of his later songs even better than his early ones. Yet there’s a simplicity to his early ones that I like, too.”

Being Canadian helps, eh?

His Facebook page currently has 2.5 million followers – not too shabby! He also has 107,000 Instagram followers.

What can we take from Leonard’s example to apply to our business?

  • Persist!
  • Be creative!
  • Attract attention
  • Be passionate
  • Be unique!
  • Build your social media followers
  • Create residual income!

How can I help your business with these things?

  • My marketing experience started in the late 80’s, persistence is my middle name; invest the time and persist in building your internet presence
  • I have 3 designers ready to create your vision
  • Attract attention with SEO, Google Ads and Social Media programs
  • Passion: I am very passionate about promoting your business
  • Uniqueness: DIT has helped many companies create their unique selling proposition
  • Need more social media followers? Call me and I will show you how
  • Residual Income: I have a great program for selling your products online

Call or email me today for your FREE STRATEGY CHAT!



Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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