Marketing Monday Newsletter #29, Google Reviews for Business

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Google reviews are highly important to a business and the perception its audience will have. Be sure to focus on improving your user feedback. Contact us for help today!

Google reviews can oftentimes make or break a business, both online and in person. When searching for services, feedback from previous consumers is often a prevalent element that shows up. With this information as the focal point of many internet searches, you need to ensure it speaks well of your company.
When you provide a good user experience and aftercare service, you can be sure customers will leave a better review. Read on to find out more about why this is so critical to your growth and expansion objectives.

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Boost Brand Credibility

Consumers significantly pay attention to the credibility and transparency within a brand. This emphasis on transparency is mainly supported by the ease with which data on each specific company is available. 

Most potential customers will research a company and its brand experience before deciding to use it. Most consumers have used reviews to judge a local business’s quality and validity in their decision of whether to purchase a good or service.

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Online Exposure and Local SEO

Google uses sophisticated search algorithms. One thing is certain, though: Google reviews can impact the company’s local search. These review signals often concentrate on the quantity, velocity, and diversity of reviews. These three signals should be used in tandem to help your local business get to the top of Google’s local search results.

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Capitalized Customer Feedback

The feedback loop and customer knowledge you may acquire from Google reviews are two of their most advantageous features. Your collective business team should use every element of feedback about your firm as a customer survey question. Furthermore, each piece of customer feedback will frequently reveal whether your business provided a pleasant and efficient consumer experience.

It also provides crucial insight into where your firm performed up to standards, above standards, or even below standards, regarding which goods or services your company provided to them.

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Improved Click-Through Rates

Every optimally run company understands how vital it can be to convince online users to click on their link when it is in search results. You can invest all the effort available into your SEO strategy, but without the users clicking through, it’s a bit of wasted effort. 

Getting more reviews is an effective way to interact with customers, improve your service, and ensure that you have a valuable brand presence and awareness online.

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Convert More Leads

When users click on a link and are directed to your site, you’ve already made significant progress toward conversion. Users visiting your website must be persuaded to purchase from your catalogue. Although a user-friendly website experience and an intelligently designed website are quite significant, Google reviews may be sufficient to generate the conversion on their own.

Google reviews are highly important to a business and the perception its audience will have of it. Be sure to focus on curating and improving your user feedback. 


Contact me today to find out more.

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