Get Found First: Revealing Google’s Secrets 1/5

This is the first of a 5-part series teaching you how to get found first on the Internet.

Your engine light burns red and your car shutters to a stop on the side of the highway – you pull out your smart phone and Google, ‘Tow Truck’ and the city that you’re in.  You go to switch out the laundry to the dryer only to find your washing machine didn’t – won’t – cycle. What do you do next? You pull out your phone and Google, “[make] washing machine won’t start’.


But, why is Google so trusted?

Because it has spent billions perfecting, patenting and protecting a method of filtering and prioritizing exactly what you’re looking for. The technology behind all of this is often referred to as the “Google Algorithm” – a set of rules that determines the credibility, reliability and trustworthiness of your content (web pages, online store items, video, images, PDF’s, etc) and then ranks its value against other similar sources competing for Google’s attention.

About 80% of Google’s weighting relies on the following criteria (in order of importance):

  1. Inbound Links – These are links going to YOUR site. The more people talk about you and cite you as a reference on their website suggests that you’re a respected & valued source of information;
  2. Consistent publishing of high quality, subject-oriented original content – think daily or weekly blog articles that embed well-tagged videos and images that answer relevant questions;
  3. Keyword-rich titles — your page-level search engine optimization (SEO) must inter-relate keywords in the page title, page descriptions/tags and actual page content;
  4. Mobile-friendliness/responsiveness – your web page content, navigation and sidebars all must automatically shift, stack and re-orient themselves for desktop, tablet and mobile users WITHOUT zooming and pinching; and
  5. Highly specific landing pages – should someone look for ‘shower doors Toronto’ then you better have a page dedicated to shower doors in Toronto.

If you lack the time or expertise to improve your websites search ranking then CALL DIT TODAY to discuss how we can help you. Our track record will speak for itself in helping businesses, just like yours, get to the top!

Watch for our next article: Point At Me! A Kick-ass Inbound Link Strategy

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