FITC Adobe Keynote

Adobe kicked off FITC sunday with a keynote showing some of their latest and greatest features in CS5.

One of the things to look forward to in Adobe Photoshop CS5 that stole the show was the Content Aware feature. Live right before the audience, they were able to remove things as big as people or as small as power line cables simply by roughly selecting whatever they wanted removed and the software filled in the rest as if the content never existed and preserved the background.

They also demonstrated many new features in Adobe Flash CS5. One of the most important features is the opening of the FLA format to use XML and drop the binary format. FLA files can now be split up to be used in a SVN repository for example, and content is recoverable from the FLA if something becomes corrupted.

One of the huge trends in the last few years and coming in the next decade is the use of open formats, which slowly more and more companies realize how great it is to get behind and support their development communities.

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