Featured Company: YWCA Durham

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YWCA Durham was looking for someone to modernize their website to help achieve their online goals. This included adding updated content with all the services they offer, additional information about their mission, pictures of their facility, a page for supportive housing opportunities, a blog page and, most importantly, offer a 24/7 helpline for women needing help in a variety of areas.

They also wanted the functionality to translate their website content into 6 different languages to enhance the accessibility functionality. 

The services that were set up for YWCA Durham:

  • New Website
  • Hosting Services
  • Business Security
  • SSL* Certificate

Visit their website today at ywcadurham.org.

*SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer: this is a digital security feature that enables an encrypted connection between a website and a browser.

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Welcome to YWCA Durham – A Turning Point For Women


We provide essential services such as emergency, temporary and permanent housing, as well as programs and supports for vulnerable women and their children throughout Durham Region.

Our housing services are unique in that they are paired with access to counselling, employment, and life skills programs that prepare women for successful transition into the community.

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Y’s WISH Shelter and 24-hour Crisis Line 

If this is an immediate emergency and your life is in danger, please call 911 first.

If you’re afraid, call us.  It is the first step.  And it can change your life forever. 

Leaving an abusive situation is one of the toughest things you’ll ever have to face.  How will you look after small children?  Where will you find affordable housing?  If you’re new to Canada, how will you find support in an unfamiliar environment?  We can help.  

Our 24-hour confidential Crisis Line is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Caring, knowledgeable staff provides information, support and advice i

f you are being abused, if you want to talk about abuse in your family, if you are concerned about a friend, family member or co-worker, or if you need information or referrals to community and social assistance programs.

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DIT = Drive – Imagination – Technology

At DIT Web Solutions, we are interested in how to get through to people’s minds, how to position a product or service, and break through the noise.  The whole purpose of the internet and all this technology is to get your communication across.

You need to think differently to get different results. We wanted to create a company that delivered web solutions that excited people – that captured their imagination and allowed them to think bigger than they ever thought possible about their products, their business, and even themselves.

To do that we’ve created a team of incredible thinkers and doers – people who live beyond what’s possible, right now.  

Let us know more about your story and your marketing challenges today.

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Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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