Featured Company: Kevin Martin Accounting

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Kevin Martin Accounting was looking for a new website when they reached out to us. They wanted the site to showcase their professionalism and 25 years of experience in the business. While building their website, everything was done to ensure that the site was fully set up for search engine success.

The Kevin Martin Accounting site is elegant, easy to navigate, mobile friendly, and has the perfect combination of copy for the goals they are looking to achieve.

From there, to ensure all components were covered, their website was put on DIT’s Business Hosting services, an SSL* Certificate was added to encrypt all their information, and additional Business Security services were added to their website, giving them and their clients 100% peace of mind when accessing their website.  

Serving Halifax Regional Municipality and Annapolis Valley for over 25 years and counting, Kevin Martin Accounting is your go-to for all your accounting and tax requirements.

Visit their website at kevinmartinaccounting.ca.

 *SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser.

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At Kevin Martin Accounting, we provide professional bookkeeping and accounting services to small to medium sized clients in a variety of industries.

We provide our clients with a face to face personalized service that provides peace of mind our clients need when running a business.

  • Professional Accounting Services
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Preparation of Business Plans
  • Bookkeeping
  • Financial Reporting
  • CRA Remittances and Compliance Advice
  • Payroll Services
  • Personal Tax Preparation and Submissions (T1)
  • Corporate Tax Preparation and Submissions (T2)
  • Tax Refund Tracking
  • Trust Tax Services and Submissions (T3)
  • Deceased Taxpayer Preparation and Submission
  • HST Compliance

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When tax season is upon us and it’s time to file your taxes, Kevin Martin Accounting  would be pleased to assist you with the preparation of your Personal Income Tax Return (T1), Corporate tax return (T2), or Trust Return (T3).  By providing the highest quality accounting services in Halifax, our team of professionals will ensure you receive the appropriate refunds you are entitled to on your tax returns.

As well as preparations, our team is also able to answer any of your year-round tax questions, or assist you in handling any CRA reviews, should one come up.

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Website Design

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DIT stands for Drive – Imagination – Technology.

Digital mediums such as the internet provide a massive communication platform not previously available to the world of promotion and advertising. Not since the invention of the printing press in 1450, and the telegraph around 1830, have we had such a revolutionary change in the advertising industry. 

Companies that fully utilize the advantages of the world wide web are making strides at a faster and greater rate than any business of the past.

As leaders in the Digital Advertising Industry, we dedicate our time and energy to developing creative and functional online properties.

Our purpose is to help businesses communicate their vision
through digital means.

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Rob Ragusa

84127c8c 344f b788 349f 302faed9892e - Featured Company: Kevin Martin Accounting

Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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