An SEO Company In Toronto Targets Search Engines, Bots AND People

Most SEO and digital marketing agencies use SEO to target search engines—however, many neglect to consider actual people and bots. At DIT Web Solutions, we use keywords that are accessible to bots and people too, and effectively combine foundational elements needed for your business to rank, with layers of elements that make your ranking competitive in those results.

Crawl Accessibility And Human Accessibility

When creating content for your business, it’s important for us to incorporate equitable access and make content available to search engines as well as people of all abilities. To do this, we never make assumptions about your ideal audience. And as we make your content accessible to people with diverse abilities, we’ll be making your content accessible for search engines of diverse abilities too. And this means better results! Better results indicate enhanced conversions, sales and a positive effect on your business bottom line.

Let’s ‘POUR’ On Accessibility

When DIT Webs Solutions, a leading SEO company in Toronto, uses the POUR guidelines – Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust – you’ll find that your business’s online content resonates even better with your ideal audience, with fewer audience members excluded and better SEO results included.

By ‘Perceivable,’ we mean that we include a text alternative to rich media elements and all images have alt text. In contrast, videos and audio include transcripts, captions, or an ASL interpreter.

When we talk about ‘Operable,’ put simply, we don’t just put a simple ‘click here’ or ‘learn more’ link, but rather incorporate more descriptive links and anchor texts so that users – and search engines and bots – actually know where they are going.

Then when it comes to ‘Understandable,’ we create better SEO results for search engines, bots and people by making content understandable. We consider if the content that we’re writing for your business is actually at a reading level then your ideal audience is going to enjoy, relate to it and understand it. Next, to expand accessibility even further, we go Robust.

By ‘Robust,’ we mean ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly, responsive, compatible with all devices and assistive. With this in mind, as we pour on accessibility for search engines, people and bots, we’ll be sure to pour on the results for you and your online business.

Get 50% Off Your SEO Package With The Leading SEO Company In Toronto

Download the ultimate SEO package here from the leading SEO company in Toronto. Our new 50 phrase SEO package is being offered right now at 50% off to help you take advantage of the market opportunities currently available.

Call or email and mention, “I am calling about the 50 phrase SEO package.”

Our goal is for every business to do very well and dominate the major Search Engines. Hire our local SEO consultant to increase your business visibility with complete search engine marketing. Alternatively, schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with us here.

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