3 Ways To Ensure Blogging Is Advancing Your SEO Marketing in Toronto

When looking into successful SEO marketing campaigns in Toronto, you will notice that frequently adding blogs to your website is one of the preferred tactics. You may already be taking advantage of this strategy.

Paying attention to the following key aspects of blogging will help to maximize the rewards for your efforts.

Keyword Use

Once you have identified keywords that are relevant to your business operation, incorporate these words fluently into the text of your blog post, simultaneously aligning with the chosen topic of the blog.

At the same time, do not be guilty of “keyword stuffing,” which refers to the overuse of keywords in an unnatural way, just for the sake of including them in the copy. This can adversely affect the relevance of the post.

If you have a Google Ads account, take advantage of the free Google Keywords Planner tool to look up the popularity and competitiveness of your keywords.

Keeping Things Current

Blog posts provide an effective way of continuously adding fresh content to your website, keeping it current. This helps to maintain the interest of visitors and keep them on your website for longer.

Producing frequent useful, insightful, original content can provide an organic way to boost traffic to your website.

Innovative blogging can lead to a separate following and sharing of your posts on social media platforms.

Internal Links

Your website automatically includes internal links to other useful pages on your own website. However, when you add blogs, the opportunity to include internal links expands.  As you write about the different topics related to your business activities, you will add links to your own web pages that contain more information about that aspect of your business.

Using anchor text in this way improves the connections to your selected keywords, and Google will have a better sense of what the page you are linking to is about.


Having creative, informative, the original content will encourage others to create links to your site and/or blog posts, thereby establishing good quality backlinks that can assist in boosting your rankings.

For help with all your SEO marketing needs in Toronto, contact DIT Web Solutions today. We offer a free analysis of your website and SEO and can advise you on all aspects of your digital marketing campaign.

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