10 Keys To Higher Page Ranking

Search engines are a form of intelligence. They want to deliver exactly what you are looking for while preventing unwanted content providers from stealing your attention by looking like something that you might be interested in.

And, don’t kid yourself – they’re recording everything about your searches and prioritizing their display ads in a way that matches the words and images that you’re paying the most attention to. But, this doesn’t always work in your favor, as a commercial web presence.

For example, Google is filtering out non-mobile sites when mobile users make their searches. And, there’s suggestions out there that Google will embed features in its chrome browser that presents your website as “dangerous” if you’re not using secure HTTP access (HTTPS).

Did you know that someone in Florida searching for your website through the Google search engine will see a different results set than someone in Toronto because the searcher’s location plays a large role in the filtering process?

New rules seem to filter out pages that repeat the same word or phrases over and over again. So, what are the rules, exactly? No one knows for sure. The search engine companies don’t disclose their proprietary algorithms. It’s actually the community of SEO experts that try, test and report back among themselves what works and what doesn’t – and, what worked last month may not work, today!

DIT works closely within this community to ensure its clients generate the most interest and traffic possible. Here’s a few tips and tricks to help you out:

  1. Register your site on Google Analytics and have it rescan your website regularly;
  2. Make sure that there’s relationship between your page title and keywords/phrases in the page body;
  3. Use a sitemap file and make sure that it’s kept up to date and accessible by search engines – that means of all of your pages have to connect together from both the menus and each other;
  4. Use hierarchical structures in terms of heading and body paragraphs;
  5. Think in terms of what phrases people search for, embedding them in your page content, more so than simple key words;
  6. Always embed descriptive text with images and video;
  7. Link to other relevant sites and content (backlinks);
  8. Keep content fresh and new – publish relevant blog postings every few days;
  9. Use simple language, properly phrased and with good grammar – search engines can read and understand your content and will filter out things that look suspect, are disconnected, or appear fraudulent; and
  10. If you change the menu structure or page names on your site then have 301 redirects that connect/forward cached content to your new content

If you’re looking for better search engine response then please call us, first, for expert advice.

Digital Ink Technologies | (905) 209-9079 | solutions@ditcanada.com

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