Web & Mobile Solutions For Dental Clinics

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and find how you can improve your income an reach
lornephone01 - Web & Mobile Solutions For Dental Clinics

DIT Has A Practical Understanding
Of Your Unique Business Needs

DIT works with dental practices throughout Canada and the US delivering innovative strategies for attracting a greater volume of ready-to-commit patient prospects while making it easy for current patients to refer family, friends and co-workers.

Dental Practices | Dental Surgeons
Denture Clinics | Mobile Dental Services

Partnering With DIT Increases Your Practice’s
Ability To Attract New Patients

DIT has developed a customized program that can deliver regular updates to your website and into social media spaces that will increase the flow of new traffic at a fraction of the operating and opportunity costs associated with employing full-time or part-time digital marketing and website management staff.  Call DIT today for a FREE CONSULTATION and we’ll show you how we do it!

Getting Started Is THIS Easy

Would a race car driver try and win a race with a broken engine? Of course not!

Many clinics ignore the technical flaws in their website that slow it down and break the rules that must be followed if they want to appear at the top of search results. More often than not it’s because they’re not even aware of those rules.

We have an  immediate, no-cost solution for you to consider: Book a FREE CONSULTATION with DIT and we’ll provide you with a complimentary scan of your website that will explain why search engines may not like you as much as you think they should. Then, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of fixes that will correct those concerns. YOU CAN’T LOSE with FREE, expert advice!

Book TODAY and receive 50% OFF our usual SEO optimization package pricing until your site is ranking on page 1 of the search results based on your industry-specific keywords.

DIT Delivers Measurable, Bottom-line Results

Rank Higher On Google

DIT’s proven Search Engine Optimization (SEO) programs keep our doctors and dentists at the top of search results

Dominate Social Media

DIT keeps your conversation going with daily and/or weekly posts and articles on forums, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Twitter

Inspire Repeat Business

DIT’s automated email marketing programs reminds your patients of the value of your expert preventative procedures

Protection From Hackers

DIT protects your website from unwanted downtime with state-of-the-art intruder detection systems and regular backups.

Providing Expert, World-class Services

Increasing Brand Awareness

  • Connector.


  • Connector.

    Google/Faceback PPC Ads

  • Connector.

    Social Media Posts

  • Connector.

    E-mail Marketing

  • Connector.

    Original Blog Posts

Securing Your Online Presence

  • Connector.

    Secure Domain & Website Hosting

  • Connector.

    New Website Designs

  • Connector.

    Website Refreshes & Upgrades

  • Connector.

    Website Backups & Maintenance

  • Connector.

    Performance Monitoring

Yes! We Can Offer You Testimonials
And Professional References

DIT’s digital marketing and design team can help you increase your online presence quickly and VERY cost effectively.


Call Lorne Feldman To Get Started
DIT’s Dental Solutions Expert

Lorne has been assisting healthcare practitioners for over 20 years, now,
offering expert advice and recommendations in expanding services
and growing their patient base.

Call Lorne Direct @ (647) 449-6801 for a FREE consultation.

Stop Wasting Your Hard Earned Money

Request your FREE 25-POINT CHECKLIST right now to find out in seconds why your
digital marketing program isn’t delivering the results you desire!

You will receive this free checklist immediately by email. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it.

DIT is here to help you. If you have any questions about what you discover then
call us at (905) 209-9079 and we’ll offer you proven solutions that can work for you.

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