Point At Me! A Kick-ass Inbound Link Strategy 2/5

This is the second of a 5-part series teaching you how to get found first on the Internet.

Google’s search engine prioritizes websites from most useful to least useful based on a popularity contest. And, your website earns a” vote” every time someone links from their website or conversation back to yours.

Links are a feature on a website that, when clicked, moves the user to some other place either within the current site or to some other place on the internet. Whenever someone links from their site to yours then that is considered a vote of confidence for the usefulness and trustworthiness of the content that you’re providing.

Here’s a few ideas to help generate the votes you need to win over your competition using backlinks:

  1. Global Popularity – ensure that significantly influential sites about your products and services are mentioning your website, especially manufactures, distributor and customer sites;
  2. Topical Popularity – ensure that end-users and supporters are linking back to your site from online discussions, forums, on-line reviews and blogs;
  3. Anchor Text – make sure that the keywords and phrases on your page match the keywords and phrases on the pages that are linking to your site;
  4. Trust Ranking – focus on building links from highly trusted domains;
  5. Link Neighborhood – You are measured by the company that you keep so link to only reputable, trustworthy sites, yourself;
  6. Freshness – Offer your customers and other influential sites complimentary blog content on a regular basis that includes backlinks to your site; and
  7. Social Sharing – offer a simple one-click-method to share your pages, video content and blog articles with your visitor’s social networks.
If you lack the time or expertise to improve your website’s search ranking then CALL DIT TODAY to discuss how we can help you. Our track record will speak for itself in helping businesses, just like yours, get to the top!

Watch for our next article: Keeping It Fresh! 60 Seconds To Higher Page Rankings

Source: https://firstpagesage.com/seo-blog/2017-google-algorithm-ranking-factors/

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