Must-have Checklist For Re-Imagining Your Website

Is there a magic formula for a great sales website? One that makes them say “WOW!” while creating an intense need to place the order, NOW!

Your website is a business case that separates you from your perceived competition. It’s a definitive reason WHY your visitor should do business with you right now and a compelling argument for not spending any more time looking for alternative solutions.

Here are 5 of the essential 10 things you need to keep your visitors engaged:

#1 A Headline That Grabs Their Attention

What’s in it for me to keep reading on? The question you need to answer, here in a short, well articulate sentence is: What have you got to offer that’s so special that I have to stop browsing and actually pay attention to what you have to say?

#2 A Simple, Easy-to-use Navigation System

How do I find what I’m looking for in one click or less? Visitors are coming to your website for a reason: to learn about price, products, people, or promotions. Make sure they can get to where they need to go fast. And, don’t forget your calls to action – make it easy to connect with you and take advantage of the great value that you offer.

#3 Effective SALES Copy

Should I stay on this site any longer? AIDA is the key, here: Attention, Interest, Desire & Action. Don’t waste words. If you’re not talking about them and how your product or service will better their quality of life, then don’t say anything!

#4 A Clear Call To Action

Will I miss out on anything if I never come back to this site? If you’re website is intended to build connections with prospective users of your products and services, then get connected with them as soon as possible – newsletter subscriptions, blog subscriptions, telephone inquiries and product inquiries. What ever it takes to get in front of someone to make a sales pitch.

#5 Images That Inspire Warm & Fuzzy Feelings

Can I see myself in that vision? Make the investment in time and money to use images that truly capture the imagination of your visitor using or benefiting from your product or services. If you lack the skills or expertise to take good pictures, yourself then hire a professional or consider stock photos.

What’s your personal threshold for NOT doing business with a firm? Would you do business with someone who doesn’t list a phone number? Or doesn’t provide a legitimate operating address?

Provide the basics of a telephone number, an email address and a street address.

If you’d like to know the other 5 essential elements for your website then please drop us a line and we’ll email them out to you. Or, if you’re looking to up the WOW! factor of your website then call DIT, first, to discuss your needs.

Digital Ink Technologies | (905) 209-9079 |

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