Featured Client: Applewood Maintenance Systems

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A Business Centre application to help manage a business for cleaners at various office locations was created by DIT Web Solutions Inc. for Applewood Maintenance Systems Inc.

They specialize in Commercial Cleaning, Construction Clean-Up, Office Cleaning, Emergency Flood Service, Floor Care, and Carpet Cleaning.

Some of the many features of their new App include:

  1. Display work orders, showing who is assigned to which job, its status, scheduling, and photos of the job.
  2. Track Equipment Inventory: the item, date it was logged out, date it was returned, and the location it was used at.
  3. Track Supplies Inventory: what is running low, what needs to be ordered.
  4. A report of with the information of sites that were cleaned.

The ability to track at a glance and monitor all jobs is key for any business. This application was created just for that and to improve the efficiency of Applewood Maintenance Systems Inc.

Robust Business Security to protect their digital landscape was added to their site, as well as what is called Application Hosting.

Application hosting is a type of SaaS (Software As A Service) hosting solution that allows applications to be available from a remote cloud infrastructure and to be accessed by users globally through the internet.


DIT Web Solutions is proud to have contributed to the growth of Applewood Maintenance Systems Inc.

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DIT stands for Drive – Imagination – Technology.

Digital mediums, such as social media, website, etc., provide a massive communication platform that was not previously available to the world of promotion and advertising. Not since the invention of the printing press in 1450 and the telegraph around 1830, have we had such a revolutionary change in the advertising industry. 

Companies that fully utilize the advantages of the world wide web are realizing significantly higher rates of return on their digital marketing dollars, at a faster and greater rate than any business of the past.

As DIT Web Solutions is a leader in the digital marketing industry, we dedicate our time and energy to developing creative and functional online properties for your company to be recognized at the leader in your field.

Our purpose is to help your company communicate your vision through
digital marketing. Call us today to discuss your marketing vision.

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Rob Ragusa

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Louie Pateropoulos

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