Black-box Strategies: Reducing The Risks Of Rapid Growth & Expansion

DIT is a leading Canadian developer of customized web applications for browser and smart devices.

Black-box Strategies

The Key To Reducing Risks Associated With Rapid Growth & Expansion

It should excite a sales manager to drive a train of highly effective salespeople towards doubling sales. So, why might the chief operating officer (COO) and chief financial officer (CFO) press the panic button and start pulling on the brakes? Because most organizations are ill-prepared for the cost of doing more business more often, especially with respects to capacity, financing and work flow DIT has the solution.

Capacity speaks to the availability of space, talent, energies and technologies required to design, engineer, produce, package, ship, invoice and re-supply. Financing speaks to the burden of managing costs and planning payments between the time that you pay your staff and suppliers while waiting for the customer to pay up. And, work-flow describes the alignment of intent, desire and activity towards the profitable delivery of what the customer asked for, when they needed it.

Web-enabled black-box technology offers cost-effective, low-impact solutions to such problems allowing partner firms to collaborate and seamlessly share excess capacity and resources from design & engineering talent to learning, production and manufacturing processes — regardless of their individual choice of computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), learning management systems (LMS), human resource management systems (HRMS), scheduling and/or resource planning platforms (ERP).

DIT’s black-box technology strategy can help partnering firms maximize synergy and productivity by developing a customized collaboration tool integrating sales, marketing, learning & knowledge, operations, inventory control, finance and HR across different companies, platforms and networks – creating a singular and all-powerful business mind that’s capable of capitalizing on profitable growth opportunities anywhere in the world.

Call DIT today, today, to explore how it’s black-box strategy can help your industry partnerships increase market share while minimizing the risks associated with rapid growth and expansion.

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