Digital Marketing 101 in Toronto: Key Terms Explained

Do you have the most fantastic product or service? Do you have a website presenting the virtues of your incredible company? And still, no one seems to know about your product or service and how to acquire it?

If you are looking to hire a digital marketing company in Toronto, you may be feeling mystified by all the terminology. Read on for a simple explanation of some important digital marketing terms to get you on track.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to any type of marketing conducted online that potential customers will see using computers, phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices. These marketing efforts can be implemented via emails, websites, social media and social networks.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the tactics employed to increase your website’s rankings in search engine searches. Effective SEO will result in your website ranking near the top of the first page, or at least on the first page of search engine results.


To facilitate SEO, it is necessary to identify the words that potential customers are most likely to use when searching for your type of product or service. These keywords need to be placed strategically throughout your website naturally, in a way that does not detract from the content.  Keywords and phrases will be used in web page copy, blogs, tags, descriptions, headings, website names and links.

Organic Listings

An organic listing is where your website ranks on natural search engine searches because your content is relevant to the words searched and not because of any paid advertising. Your digital marketing partner can assist you in analyzing and adding the most appropriate keywords to boost your organic traffic.


Traffic refers to the number of visits to your website. Digital marketing efforts aim to increase traffic to your website, but not just any traffic. You are looking to increase traffic that will increase sales or at least generate good quality leads.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click Advertising is online advertising designed to increase qualified traffic to your website. Your listing will appear above free or organic listings but will only incur a cost if a user clicks on the link.

There has never been a better time to promote your product or service online. For expert digital marketing in Toronto, contact DIT Web Solutions today. We will help you understand what drives users your way and how to convert them into customers.

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