Avoiding Pitfalls Of Social Media Marketing

The key to successfully promoting and advancing your products and services inside of social networks is to be one of them.

A social network is a collection of like minded people who have come together to share in a common experience. They feel free to express their opinions and share personal information about their lives because they believe themselves to be amongst friends.

It’s critical then that you become one of the gang and present only those solutions for which there’s a common problem. Why? Because social networks, by their nature, collectively solve problems, together. So, you have to engage with the entire group to win over any one person – everyone has to win.

Think about what it takes for someone to come into your life before trying to gain the trust and confidence of someone else’s – it’s a courtship process, no different than dating.

First, find out what you have in common with the group and begin contributing to the general conversation. Identify key group leaders and entrench yourself within their sphere of influence. Then, let THEM sell you to their followers.

It’s not a fast process by any means – it’s slow and methodical. BUT, when you win the hearts and mind of one person then everyone that they’re connected to will follow their lead.

Social network marketing is about giving, giving, giving and more giving. There’s no room for takers. The best that you can hope for is that people will give you their attention long enough for others to take notice of what they’re staring at.

DIT has a particular expertise in this regard and can help you find your way into specialized groups of consumers.

If social network marketing is a key strategy for you then call DIT to help unlock the door to greater opportunities.

Digital Ink Technologies | (905) 209-9079 | solutions@ditcanada.com

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