10 Habits of Highly Effective Programmers

Ross Ladwell demonstrated some very important pieces of advice for developers of all types at FITC in his presentation titled “Lessons from the Trenches: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Programmers”.

Ross stressed the importance of both timing and code conventions to truly distribute the best applications possible. Coding is not all necessarily about typing code but also about documenting and planning code so the next potential developer on the website will understand where you were going and generally reduce costs in the long term both for the developer and client.

Additionally, he suggested the use of frameworks not only to speed up the initial development process but to have it easier for other developers who may start a project in the future to figure out where everything is, as frameworks tend to have very extensive documentation.

It’s very important to ensure this kind of transparency within the project so neither the developer nor client have to go through the hassle of reinventing the wheel every time they need anything added or changed on their website.

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